Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us from our Contact page and we will assist you in whatever you need.

You can return anything, anytime, for a 100% refund no questions asked. We stand behind every single thing we sell, period.

Absolutely. Use our Contact Page to let us know what you’d like to do and we will make it happen immediately.

You can email us at any time and we’ll cancel your annual subscription. You’ll also get a reminder a month before it’s set to renew touching base so you are aware. It’s that easy.

Yes! Use our Contact Page to tell us about what you’re interested in, and we can send the details. We offer a very healthy affiliate share and would love to have you as an affiliate.

Yes! Use our Contact to tell us their age and we’ll send over the details how it works. From having a “lemonade stand” for cool gifts for Moms and Dads to even a table outside the grocery store, we’ve got such fun ways to get their entrepreneurial side going!

Please! Use our Contact Page, we’d love to hear it!