Help other Dads!
You've been invited to share your Dad knowledge with fellow WonderDads!

What we’re looking for:
Option 1. Share the best Dad advice you've ever heard - it could be two sentences, or two paragraphs on how to teach your child something. Whatever stands out in your head the most if you could share with another Dad only one incredible piece of advice that has stuck with you.
Option 2. Idea for an incredibly fun Dad-Kids activity, experience or trip - the more unique the better, help inspire fellow WonderDads with a few sentences or a few paragraphs on something insanely fun that your kids still talk about and that you'll remember forever.
Option 3. Dad alert other Dads should know about - whether it's a safety thing, a social media pitfall, or something that happened to a Dad friend or their child, help your fellow WonderDads by making sure they're aware of it.
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